ARC Adventures was set up in 2017 with the mission of creating a community of humans who push boundaries, aim for the impossible, and learn to value what each individual has to offer to themselves and this world. ARC believes in the power of the outdoors and how connecting us to nature can achieve this. Forming this love and relationship to the environment will consequently give the drive to young people to protect it. 

None of the intensive and hard work ARC achieves with young people would be possible without the help of its core team and volunteers. So, meet the team and those past faces that have made all this possible.

Pete has  over 15 years of experience in working with young people in the outdoors. He is a qualified activity instructor as well as having a diploma in education studies and a plethora of activity specific qualifications.

He has worked within the major outdoor providers in the country both as an instructor and a staff trainer, has experience as a youth worker with both NCS and the Princes Trust and has worked as an external specialist for Pupil Referral Units.

Pete is a qualified Mountain Leader, Paddle Sport Leader, Caving & Climbing Instructor and is always updating and expanding his knowledge.

In 2017 he founded ARC adventures to specialise in developing unique courses within the outdoors to address specific issues that certain client groups present and to try and push forward the quality of what outdoor education is capable of.

He has been successfully delivering these to schools, challenging groups and Pupil Referral Units ever since. 

Pete is also an avid climber, caver, builder, philosopher and explorer who on a wet day can be found in a board game café eating ice cream.

Peter Jeffery

Founder & Lead instructor

Dani is your point of contact when you book or have a question before you get here and pushes the day to day running of the centre.
Dani has been working as a creative for over a decade. So, she is also behind anything visual that you see; she joined the team in 2022 to shake up how ARC presented itself to the world. She had started her own graphic design business after years in a multinational company made her realise she preferred to interact with her clients one on one. But, when she met the team she found a focus and a mission worth supporting.


Centre Manager

Our, not-so-wee, Scottish ball of energy and fun: Lewis brings his all to every session and makes sure that even the rainiest days are full of “pazazz”.

A multi-activity family week with ARC at the age of 15 turned into a long-term bond with both Pete and this ARC Adventure which has had Lewis’ support through the toughest times. 

You’ll find him by your side when you’re scared of the water or he’ll be your 6a.m musical wake-up call when you need to move it – move it. If he’s not by your side, look up, he’s probably up a tree.


APPRENTICE & Pastoral care

Another team member that’s been there almost since it’s inception.


apprentice & Pastoral care

All your delicious food created by this amazing human!



If you’re lucky, you may catch Maui on site: He’s our personal stick collector, face licker and all around every young person’s favourite motivator.

Feel free to greet him with a hug if you see him shiver – he was born in the tropics of South America and doesn’t know how to handle the Welsh weather and its infamous sideways rain.


Therapy dog & nap enthusiast

The other ones along the way that have made this dream possible

jim our volunteer smiling awkwardly at the camera